
This is a Section 1983 Civil Rights action against the City of Reno for violation of equal protection of the law and violation of the First Amendment freedom of expression clause. The Reno Municipal Code (“RMC”) requires female topless dancers to obtain a work card, but does not require male dancers who engage in the same acts to obtain a work card.


The RMC requires only females to pay fees, submit fingerprints, provide criminal history and background checks, work and child history, register and obtain work cards, and posts the dancers’ information online, but does not require the same for male dancers.

Additionally, businesses that feature male dancers can and do admit persons under 18 years of age at venues that serve alcohol, but limit patrons to 21 years of age and older at venues that serve alcohol featuring female dancers.

The lawsuit seeks an order declaring unconstitutional the applicable sections of the RMC and an order enjoining Defendants from enforcement of the unlawful sections.


This case was voluntarily dismissed without prejudice pending the City of Reno’s City Council’s vote on the proposed updated Reno Municipal Code.


City of Reno Complaint

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