Grand Sierra Resort

Grand Sierra Resort & Casino (GSR)



This is a class action on behalf of all Grand Sierra Resort & Casino employees who were required to perform work off-the-clock. The lawsuit also alleges unlawful age discrimination.

Grand Sierra Resort

The six individual named Plaintiffs entered into a voluntary settlement agreement with GSR and the original case will be closed.

Because the federal District Court ruled that employees who agreed to join the original action (“opt-in”) could not proceed with the Plaintiffs in the Sargent case, all of the opt-in employees’ claims were dismissed without prejudice.

Martel, et al. v. HG Staffing, LLC, Grand Sierra Resort, Case No. 16CV-01264 (filed Second Judicial Dist. Nev. Jun. 14, 2016) Complaint (Martel)

Plaintiffs filed a Nevada state law wage and hour action in the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada in and for the County of Washoe alleging failure to pay wages, overtime, and derivative penalties for forced pre- and post-shift work and for “shift jamming” whereby employees are not paid overtime premium pay for shifts with less than 16-hours between the end of one shift and the beginning of the next. The Court granted GSR’s Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs’ original Complaint.

Plaintiffs filed an amended complaint and GSR filed another Motion to Dismiss, which was granted in part and denied in part. The Court held that the limitation period was restricted to two years but declined to dismiss any of Plaintiffs’ claims. Access the Court’s Order.

GSR filed a writ (request to review the decision) to the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada.  Oral argument was held and the Court affirmed all of the lower court’s decisions. A copy of the Court’s Opinion can be accessed here.  The case was closed on September 16, 2022.





Grand Sierra Resort Operative Complaint

Grand Sierra Resort Order for Conditional Cert

First Amended Class Action Complaint (GSR)

Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part, Motion to Dismiss (GSR)

2022.08.11 NV Supreme Court Affirming Opinion

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