FRSCO Corporation dba McDonald’s adv. Allen-Ricksecker

This is a class action on behalf of hourly paid employees of FRSCO Corporation dba McDonalds for failure to pay the correct minimum wage and overtime rate based on Defendant’s failure to provide health insurance benefits of less than 10% of employees’ total gross income. Plaintiff demands for herself and all other class members that Defendant unpaid wages for all hours and overtime hours worked during the relevant time, together with attorneys’ fees, costs, interest, and punitive damages, as provided by law. They also demand sixty days of pay as waiting time penalties.

If you work in Nevada and have questions about the tiered-minimum wage rate based on whether your employer provides health insurance benefits and t worked more than eight (8) hours in a day and/or worked over forty (40) hours in a work week, , please get in touch with Thierman Buck to discuss your rights.

Photo: Internal

2024.02.01 FRSCO adv. Allen-Ricksecker Complaint

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